The Essence of the Bodhisattva Path with Guru Vajradhara His Holiness Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa - online This event is a rare opportunity to receive a teaching on The Way…
Heartfelt greetings for the Tibetan Female Iron Ox year of the 17th sixty-year cycle (2148) and western new year 2021! Bodhicitta, l'excellent esprit d’Éveil, Là où il n'est pas…
A la requête de nombreux centres Palpung d’Europe, le XIIème Chamgon Kenting Taï Situpa à accepté de donner un enseignement d’une heure, via vidéoconférence, le jour de la nouvelle lune de l’auspicieux…
Greetings for New Year 2019! When we celebrate New Year it will be meaningful, if we reflect back into our past year. And this way, then we can make…